Hogs For Hospice Returns

Aug. 2/3/4 2024

Hogs for Hospice returns in

November 28, 2024

Buy 50/50 Tickets

The countdown is on for H4H 2024 and we are looking forward to another incredible weekend of BIKES, BANDS AND BBQ! Mark your calendar, book your accommodations and get your tickets now.


  • Tour the Tip Registered Ride
  • H4H Bike Games
  • Live Music at the Beer Garden
  • Freestyle Motorcycle Shows
  • Iron by the Beach
  • Rib Fest
  • Honour our Veterans Ceremony & Blessing of the Bikes
  • Concerts
  • Sunday Morning Worship

Over $3,785,787 Raised

by Hogs for Hospice™ for the Erie Shore Hospice.


We are overwhelmed by the support and generosity we experienced this weekend. Thank you to everyone who made this event possible. It really does take EVERYONE to make this work. The sponsors who cover the cost of the entertainment, the over 500 volunteers who perform a wide variety of important tasks, the Municipality of Leamington, the Erie Shores Health Foundation, the many partner organizations, the residents of Leamington, the riders, Point Pelee National Park, the town of Wheatley, the police, fire department and EMS and everyone who came to participate and many others. There are so many people who contribute in some way to this event.

It will take a few weeks to get all the final numbers in, but this event continues to grow every year and I think it is safe to say we have exceeded last year in every area including the amount of money raised. On behalf of the Board of Directors thank you once again. God bless you all.

“Tour the Tip”
Registered Ride

Saturday, Aug 3rd
10:30 am – 1:30 pm

Help raise money and earn rewards with pledges.

Hogs for Hospice

Seacliff Park

At the corner of Seacliff Dr. & Forest Ave

Leamington, ON


Our team is very busy preparing for this years Hogs For Hospice. Please visit our facebook page for more information. Sorry we will not have time to respond to all inquiries.

Thank you and see you at the event.
